Art of the Hustle.

There’s a new generation of entrepreneurs in America, but they’re still defined by hustle and hard work. Hardy, the capsule brand of, was built with those people in mind. To help Hardy tell their story, we connected with two emerging Southern California business owners: Ben Briggs, a veteran and artisanal coffee shop owner, and Laura Austin, a professional lifestyle photographer. We shared the new American story through short video portraits, photography, social media imagery, and digital marketing assets.


“Art of the Hustle: Ben Briggs”

A young, local veteran with a booming coffee business – now there’s a distinctly American story waiting to be told. Ben Briggs’ magnetic character, network of like-minded peers and commitment to quality made him a perfect candidate for representing the Hardy’s brand.


“Art of the Hustle: Laura Austin”

Self-taught, self-inspired. Laura Austin is one of those characters that is easy to idolize – she’s always done it her own way, and she’s turned that into a successful career and life in the LA Arts District. Exactly the type of independence that Hardy’s represents themselves.



